Kyung Hyun Kim, Ph. D.
Associate professor, Department of Biological Science & Technology, Hannam University
Research Interest
1. Molecular microbial ecology at environments.
2. Meta-omics analysis.
3. Microbial physiology and genetics.
4. Analysis of microbial population dynamics at mixed culture systems.
2014. 3. – 2020. 8. Integrated Master’s & Ph. D course in Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
[Thesis title: Identification and characterization of key functional microbes of bile acid metabolism and food fermentation through meta-omics analyses (Advisor: Dr. Che Ok Jeon)]
2008. 3. – 2014. 2. Bachelor of Sciences in Chung-Ang University, Seoul,Republic of Korea
2020. 8. – 2023. 2. Postdoctoral research in Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
(Advisor: Dr. Che Ok Jeon)
2014. 3. – 2014. 6. Teaching Assistant, General Biology, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
- Prepared and taught microbiology experiments, and graded final exam
2014. 9. – 2014. 12. Teaching Assistant, Microbial ecology, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
- Prepared and taught experiments and graded final exam
2017. 9. – 2018. 2. Mentor, Practical Education program in Environmental Microbiology, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, SRepublic of Korea
- Mentoring an undergraduate student. Discussed with and guided the student to identify novel bacterial species from environmental samples
2024.4. – 2024.10.
2021. 6. – 2024. 5. Present Basic Science Research Program (2021R1I1A1A01055523) by National Research Foundation (NFR) of Korea, Republic of Korea [Isolation and characterization of metabolic key bacterium in the human gut through reverse genomics approach]